Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th: Adopted Fossil Review Questions

You shared some really interesting facts about what stood out to you over the last few days.  

Thanks for your effort!

Today, let's reflect on what we have learned. 

1. Watch the video below to see and hear what stood out to some of your classmates.

2. Take some time to re-read all the facts you wrote down on your note-catcher about all the different fossil organisms we learned about.  You could also go back and click through the slides one more time. Share some of your facts with your family members.

3. Click on the link below to go to a Google Forms page.  This page has 8 questions for you to answer.  When you finish, click "Submit"and I will be able to read your answers.

If the link or form doesn't work, you can read the questions here and send me your answers on any sheet of paper: Fossil Questions PDF

Thanks for all your great work, 6th graders! :-)

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