Sunday, April 5, 2020

Monday, April 6th: Our Adopted Fossils Day 2

Hi 6th graders! I hope you had a nice weekend!
It's day 2 of 3 for learning about our adopted fossils.
Please follow the directions below.
1. Print out the note-catcher if you can. If you don't have a printer, that's ok! You can make your own note-catcher on any sheet of
paper. Link to note-catcher

2. Each type of fossil has 2-7 slides of information.  Read about the fossil and then write 1-2 facts that stand out to you from each one.

3. As we learn what paleontologists have discovered about animals from the past, think about this question: Why is it important for paleontologists to know a lot about all the animals alive on earth today?

4. At the end of these three days, be ready to share facts that stood out to you, new things you learned about your fossil, and an answer to the question above. 

Assignment: Please send me a message or leave a comment below
with your first name, last initial, and your favorite fact from today's

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