Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thursday, April 30: Weather Journal #1

Now that we have learned what weather is and got an introduction into what meteorologists do, let's take some time to become weather watchers!

Task 1:  Check your answers from yesterday's matching assignment:

Task 2: Start a weather journal!

  • Please actually go outside for at least 10-15 minutes.

  • Record everything you observe about the weather.  This could include:
    • Temperature
    • Wind speed and direction
    • Types of clouds you see
    • If it's raining or sunny or anything in between
    • Humidity and air pressure
    • How the weather has changed throughout the day

  • You are encouraged to use tools and technology.  
    • If your family has a thermometer or barometer, use them to help you record temperature!
    • Weather apps are great and THIS WEBSITE from the National Weather Service could be a great resource.
    • The compass on your phone could help you describe the direction of clouds or where the wind is coming from.

  • You can set up your weather journal in a way that makes sense to you.  A few examples are below. 

  • Both words and pictures are encouraged!

  • Writing observations, questions and predictions are GREAT!

Please send Ms. Dolan a picture of your weather journal:   or   ms.dolans_science

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