Monday, April 20, 2020

Tuesday, April 21st: Our Mystery Fossil Revealed

What was your final guess on what the skeleton from “The Great Fossil Find” was last week?
Did you get something like this?

File:PSM V60 D325 Skeleton of pteranodon.png - Wikimedia Commons

It was a pterosaur!
(pronounced “ter-a-soar”; the p is silent)

Look carefully at the skeleton above.  Here are some things I want you to notice:
1. The backbone is made up of lots of smaller bones called vertebrae.

2. Rib bones are attached to the back bones.

3. The LONG wing bones are actually a very long finger!

4. This pterosaur had really sharp teeth (you can see that better in our skeleton from last week) which tells us that it was a predator that ate other animals.


Go back to your skeleton drawings and hypotheses from last week. 
What did you get right?  What did you have mixed up?

On any sheet of paper, create two columns and compare/contrast your skeleton with the pterosaur skeleton above:

I was right about:
Some things I mixed up:


 Please send a picture of your two column compare/contrast to Ms. Dolan:

New Pterosaur Species Discovered in the South of France | Royal ...

Let's learn more about what paleontologists have figured out about pterosaurs!
Read this article: Pterodactylus Facts and answer the 7 questions at the end.  


Please print the question page or write your answers on any sheet of paper and send them to Ms. Dolan:

You have today and tomorrow to complete it.* 

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