Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Thursday, April 9th: Fossils in the News

Have you heard of Sue, the traveling T. rex skeleton?  
Maybe you visited her at Boise's Discovery Center in 2017?  
This famous dinosaur skeleton belongs to the Field Museum in Chicago.  
image from
Sue has been advertised as the largest, most complete dinosaur skeleton ever found:
"Sue is 90 percent complete—only a foot, one arm, and a few ribs and vertebrae are missing. The specimen was found in the Hell Creek Formation, near Faith, South Dakota, by fossil hunter Sue Hendrickson. In 1997, the Field Museum purchased the 65-million-year-old fossil at auction for $8.4 million, setting the record for the world’s highest price ever paid for a fossil. The cast of Sue’s skeleton began its traveling exhibition tour in June of 2000 and has visited nearly every state in the U.S. and has been to many countries throughout the world."

But guess what?  Last year, in 2019, paleontologists in Canada shared with the world news that they found a T. rex skeleton that is bigger than Sue!  

Read this article published by newsela, about "Scotty" this new, huge  Tyrannasaurus rex.  

Assignment: Summarize what you learned in the article with an acrostic. 
For each letter of Scotty's name, write an important fact from the article that starts with that letter.  Be creative!  :-)







You can email your acrostic summary to, send me a DM on Instagram ms.dolans_science, or write your acrostic in the comments below along with your first name and last initial. 

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