Thursday, April 16, 2020

Friday, April 17th: Catch-Up Day OR Nature Journal

Catch Up Day:

If you have gotten behind in the "Great Fossil Find" activities this week, use today to get caught up.  Be sure you have sent Ms. Dolan these four things:
  1. Fossil drawings and hypotheses from Monday's fossil dig. 
  2. Comparing fossils data table and drawing from Tuesday when we compared our fossils to the Skeleton Resource Manual.
  3. Answers to questions 1-6 after reading about a paleontologist's process on Wednesday.
  4. Your inference table and paleoart drawing from yesterday.


If you already completed all the tasks above, nice job!  
For you, today is Nature Journal Day.  
Follow the directions below.

You can walk through your neighborhood, yard, park, or apartment complex or just find a natural area and sit.  Remember to look for natural (not man-made) objects.
Look for as many DIFFERENT COLORS as you can find.
Draw or trace the objects you find. Include a label to identify what each object is, what color it is, and to describe any details you notice.  

You can use this note-catcher or create your own.

Send me your journal entries and, if possible, a picture of you in nature! or ms.dolans_science

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