Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wedneday, May 6th: Colors in the Sky

Happy Wednesday, 6th Graders!

As we continue our study of weather, let's learn about why we see different colors in the sky.

Why is the sky Blue?

TASK 1: Read the article about colors in the sky

TASK 2: When you finish reading, answer the 5 questions below. 

  1. Write a short paragraph explaining why the sky looks blue.
  2. What do the letters ROY G. BIV stand for? 
  3. How are rainbows made?
  4. How can the color of the sky at sunrise and sunset help us predict the weather?
  5. Use science to explain the science behind predicting “red skies at night” or “red sky in the morning.

TASK 3: Send your answers to Ms. Dolan: adolan@hccs481.org

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