Thursday, May 7, 2020

Friday, May 8th: The Sun, Energy, and Temperature

Happy Friday, 6th Graders!
Today our study of weather leads us to the sun, which is really the energy behind all of our weather.  The sun causes all sorts of weather phenomena, but today we will focus on Temperature.

Let's learn about Temperature!
What is Temperature -Understanding and Definition for kids - YouTube

TASK 1: Read the article about the sun, energy, and temperature.

TASK 2: When you finish reading, answer the 7 questions below. 

  1. What’s the fuel that “powers” Earth’s weather?
  2. We measure the temperature of the air around us using a ______________.
  3. Aaron and Katie went to the park to complete their weather journals.  They each had a thermometer to measure air temperature.  They were standing 10 feet apart but they both measured the air temperature at the same time.  Katie’s temperature was several degrees warmer than Aaron’s.  Explain what could cause this to happen.  (No one has a broken thermometer.)
  4. In summer, the coldest temperatures of the day are usually close to __________ and the hottest temperatures of the day are usually close to  __________.
  5. The sun’s energy causes temperatures to rise which causes air currents to rise and air pressure to fall.  Rising air currents are the primary source of energy for ______________.
  6. What makes heat waves so dangerous?
  7. What can help keep you safe during a heat wave?

TASK 3: Send your answers to Ms. Dolan:

TASK 4 (optional): Watch this video to learn more about temperature:

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