Monday, May 4, 2020

Tuesday, May 5th: Weather Journal #3

Task 1: Check your answers to yesterday's air pressure questions.  Email Ms. Dolan if there is anything you don't understand.
Weather Journal #3
My Weather Journal: A Day in the Life of a Meteorologist by Amanda ...

Here are the weather journal guidelines:
  • Please actually go outside for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Record everything you observe about the weather.  This could include:
    • Temperature
    • Wind speed and direction
    • Types of clouds you see
    • If it's raining or sunny or anything in between
    • Humidity and air pressure
    • How the weather has changed throughout the day
  • You are encouraged to use tools and technology.  
    • If your family has a thermometer or barometer, use them to help you record temperature!
    • Weather apps are great and THIS WEBSITE from the National Weather Service could be a great resource.
    • The compass on your phone could help you describe the direction of clouds or where the wind is coming from.
  • You can set up your weather journal in a way that makes sense to you.  
  • Both words and pictures are encouraged!
  • Writing observations, questions and predictions are GREAT!

On a weather app or website, find today’s air pressure.  It might be labeled as “barometer” or “barometric pressure”.  It will be measured either in inches or pascals.  Be sure to record today’s air pressure in your weather journal.  Pay attention to how air pressure and weather are related. 

Send a picture of your completed weather journal to Ms. Dolan:

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